album cover

 In this album cover we can see that the glowing circle is placed in the centre, this immediately makes it the point of interest as it is very different to its surroundings. The colour palette used has a lot of dark green to show overgrowth and a dark blue and grey to represent the sky. I believe this is used to make the ring in the middle stand out more while also making the world seem apocalyptic and empty. The text used is white which again stands out from the dark background, the font is blocky but has several strange letterings: the A’s and M are slanted, the D is missing some of it and the N’s, E and R have pointed sides. This makes the title a little more unique then just having big block letters.

In this cover there is a background of grey and white clouds with some very faded blue sky. The person sitting has their back to the camera and is sitting in the centre taking up most of the frame, they wear white which contrasts the gloomy background. We see a part of a tree in the bottom right corner which is grey and matches the gloomy tone of the background, this makes the person stand out more as he is contrasting his surroundings. The text used is rather small in the top right and is written in a blocky font but has some personalisation to it, this makes it more interesting. The text underneath is relatively simple, but the big almost handwritten letters are distinguishable and once again make it unique.

The two colours used here red and blue and direct opposites of each other, the background looks baron with a mountain range and desert especially with the blue colour. It gives a lonely feeling which is why the colour blue is used, this is contrasted with the red V which is central and bright. It gives off a red light which only takes up the bottom part of the frame making it feel very lonely and distant. The text is faded and is written in a sharp font, the O’s are linked to be unique.

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