Image planning and risk assessment

Plan: I wanted my first image to be of a student standing outside the main school building, I specifically wanted the name and badge on the building to be shown. There was no clear idea for what pose the student should be doing but I wanted their lanyard to be worn so it doesn’t look like a stranger standing outside the school.


Risk assessment: Jake was next to the road in the car park so we needed to be careful when crossing and make sure we didn’t get anyone driving in the shot because we don’t have their consent for them to be in the magazine front cover. 

Plan: I wanted a shot of two or more students in a classroom having a conversation. They would need to exaggerate their hand movements so when I took the photo it was expressive and not just simply them sat normally.


Risk assessment: I had to get consent for the main 3 to have their photo taken. I also had to make sure that no one was in the background because I would need to ask for consent for them to be in the photo if they were

Plan: The next shot I wanted was a student working in their book. I wasn’t sure what camera shot I wanted so I decided to do an over the shoulder shot because I can see the amount of work the student has done. I made sure he had his lanyard on so you can clearly see he is a student.

Risk assessment: I had to get consent for I asked for the person in fronts consent to be in the photo and they allowed me to use it. 

Plan: I wanted a close up of a student looking stressed and distraught. Their facial expression needed to show this and possibly something with their hands to show this anxiety.


Risk assessment: I had to get permission to use this photo of Jake. I also had to make sure it was alright to use this image as he looks rather distressed.


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